Taoist Meditation for Beginners a 20-Min Practice

This 20 minute practice is really divided into 4 parts to keep you mind fully engaged. Part 1 begins with 5 mins of taoist leg stretches to make sitting in meditation more comfortable.

Part 2 is 5 minutes of Dahn Jon breathing to ground into the sensations of your belly. Here Andrew will slowly layer in additional techniques until one feels comfortable with the microcosmic orbit visualization.

In part three the practice shifts towards feeling Qi in your hands, known as the practice of “Ji-Gam” which is translated as “stop-thinking,” you will find that the Qi sensations in your palms are so interesting your mind will literally stop thinking.

Finally in part 4, the last 5 minutes, you will shift to a “seedless” meditation where you simply sit in silence. The 15 minutes of Taoist practices leading up to this moment will help prepare you mind to experience more inner silence shifting you into a harmnoious mental state.

If you enjoy this practice you may get even more out of meditation after a full 50 mintue taoist Yoga practice.


15-Min Taoist Breathwork: Essence Gathering "Jung-Choong" Breathing